People first, money second

Richard's Update
Jun 5 2018

I recently did a video interview for one of our partners, TSG. In part of the interview, I talked about Zen’s culture of putting people first and money second, and also about our long-term focus.

There are countless examples in the world today of our money-first culture damaging people’s wellbeing and damaging the environment. I don’t believe the system we have today is sustainable for the long-term future of society. In my mind, a sustainable future puts people first and money second.

Within Zen, I have had the luxury of creating a little bubble of what a people-first society could look like. Zen’s ultimate purpose as a business is people’s happiness! This is enshrined in our three most fundamental long-term objectives of “Happy staff”, “Happy customers”, and “Happy suppliers”. The money we make is subservient to these three happiness objectives. It’s an approach that I would like to see adopted much more widely, by many other organisations.

A people-first approach would massively benefit the environment, since decisions would be made based on the long-term sustainability of life on earth, rather than to maximise the short-term profits of large organisations.

I feel that part of my purpose in life is to do my bit to move us towards a more people-centric, and less money-centric, future. A future that is sustainable and healthy for future generations.

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