Updating Domain WHOIS Information

What is WHOIS?

WHOIS data is the information attached to domain name about it’s owner/administrator and contact information for that individual or business.

It's a requirement that domain owners keep this information as accurate and up to date as possible, as failing to do this could result in a domain being suspended.

What information is stored in WHOIS?

We've created the below list of information that can be changed within the WHOIS database for a domain name:

 Registrant Name
Registrant Organization
Registrant Street
Registrant City
Registrant State/Province
Registrant Postal Code
Registrant Country
Registrant Phone
Registrant Phone Ext
Registrant Fax
Registrant Fax Ext
Registrant Email
Updating WHOIS Information

To update WHOIS information just, send an email to dnsandhosting@zen.co.uk with whichever details you want changing from the above list.

The email you send must be from an authorized contact and email address registered with Zen. In some instances, this email is different from the one on the WHOIS database. if this is the case please contact us from the correct registered address with Zen.

Note: Requests for any WHOIS changes are usually actioned within 48 hours, the exception being if requests fall on a weekend or public holiday.

Updates to the WHOIS database are manual, once submitted these can take several days to be verified by our suppliers.

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