General Email Settings

1. What Settings you'll Need

When setting up your email on a device or mail client (e.g Outlook/MacMail), you'll need the login details for your email account and the server information to be able to gain access.

2. Username and Password Settings

These are the same for both incoming and outgoing servers

Username: Your "" or your Zen username (zen123456@zen) email address

Email Address: Same as your username, unless you're using an alias on a "" email address

Password: This should be the password you set for the account, in the Zen Customer Portal

3. Incoming Mail Settings

Server Name:

Type: POP3

Port: 995 (110 if 995 doesn't work, but this is less secure)

Encryption Type: TLS/SSL

4. Outgoing Mail Settings

Server Name:


Port: 587 (465 if 587 doesn't work, but this is less secure)

Encryption Type: STARTTLS (if available) or SSL

Optional: Spam Box Settings

Any mail caught by our spam filters is sent to a different spam mailbox for POP3 email.

You can access this mailbox by entering "/spam" at the end of your username before the "@" symbol, and by using the same password as the original mailbox.

E.g. zen123456/

E.g. example@email/

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