IPv4 Addresses

Blocks of IPv4 addresses are now available to lease from Zen. With IPv4 addresses becoming rarer and more expensive, Zen's IPv4 address leasing solution helps you to combat the rising cost of IPs and save money.

Introducing IPv4 address leasing from Zen

You’re probably aware of just how increasingly scarce and expensive IPv4 addresses have become. For businesses needing more IPv4 addresses, buying them can be a costly and complex process.

But there is another choice… IPv4 address leasing.

With IPv4 address leasing you can get the addresses you need without having to pay a large upfront fee. You’ll only pay a monthly amount helping you to save money.

Why choose Zen?

Enhanced resiliency

You can scale up or down your IPv4 address usage as needed - lease any binary multiple between a /24 (256 addresses) and a /18 (16,384 addresses), or a combination of these binary multiple block sizes.

Low cost

50p per address per month (£6/year).

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Rolling contracts

A monthly rolling contract – you can give notice to cancel with one months’ notice.

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Clean IP Adresses

Guaranteed not to be blacklisted worldwide.

Enterprise upward trend arrow

We have a large pool of IPs to enable you to lease only the blocks you need.

Easy provision

Just tell us what you need, and we’ll take care of the rest.

What next?

If you’re interested in IPv4 address leasing from Zen, speak to your Account Manager or email our team for more info.

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Call us

Or you can call the team on
01706 902581


If you’re looking for clean and unused IPv4 addresses we also offer IP purchases 

With IP purchases you can acquire clean and unused IP addresses guaranteed to neve be blacklisted

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