James Fisher

A regular online gamer, James considers his connectivity a utility like any other – “not having electricity, not having water, not having internet, they are pivotal to modern life.”

Tired of receiving sub-standard service, James first discovered Zen five years ago when he was at the end of his tether with several other providers. It was a word of mouth recommendation from a company director where he worked that convinced James to switch to Zen, and he has never looked back.

“The only time I remember having a true break in service was back in Eastbourne. When I called up there was already a pre-recorded message saying this area of the country is not having internet from us and they told me by what time it was going to be fixed and, in fact, it came back 15 minutes before that time. That shows really good organising and planning and a really good understanding of your process and infrastructure.”

More recently James has discovered our EveryRoom solution. We asked him:

How has EveryRoom changed your WiFi experience?

Living in a unique, two-storey L-shaped house, with parts comprised of 18th century two foot solid stone walls, James had accepted that limited WiFi reach would always be an issue. Until he discovered EveryRoom. Throughout the whole process Zen was “willing to listen, not follow standard processes and understand that I am a unique customer.”

Fritz repeater desktop

The Technical Support team quickly understood James' needs within the house’s unique configuration and arranged delivery of the hardware. James explains, “everything arrived the next day, we plugged it up that night, everything worked. We were up and running with the new system in 45 minutes.”

James and his wife are now enjoying WiFi for the first time ever throughout their entire home. According to James it has changed their enjoyment of the house – how they work, the way they work, where they work and their ability to use the internet really smoothly. “The internet underpins our communication, it underpins the way we live our lives. It is a source of entertainment and communication.”

James is also a real advocate of our Technical Support department and his interactions with them.

Gaming dektop


“I’m a 1st class honours engineering graduate, and so when I call up your tech support, I’ve already done a lot of digging because I try to fix it myself first. I understand the type of issues at play so I'm more educated than the standard user on these issues. Therefore, when I come and ask for these things, I don’t want a standard script. I’ve always been able to have a conversation with your Technical Support team – that’s showing initiative, training and understanding, and a good culture.”

It was a word of mouth recommendation that first introduced James to Zen. And since then, James himself now often recommends Zen to his friends, family and colleagues, “I know what people get from other providers and it is not good service. I am tired of living in a country that seems to, for the most part, accept really sub-standard service. I recommend Zen to anyone, it’s that simple for me. This country doesn’t deliver the service it promises very well, but Zen does. Zen is able to offer a better product at the same price so it proves they [other providers] are getting away with murder.” 

I know what people get from other providers and it is not good service. I am tired of living in a country that seems to, for the most part, accept really sub-standard service. I recommend Zen to anyone, it’s that simple for me. This country doesn’t deliver the service it promises very well, but Zen does. Zen is able to offer a better product at the same price so it proves they [other providers] are getting away with murder.

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