Hugh Carr

Hugh Carr knows what he likes. That’s why when he retired in 2012 he was happy to keep using Zen.

Previously, Hugh’s Zen connection had been provided by his employer, but when the time came to choose his own broadband provider the choice was simple. “I was more than happy with the service they’d provided”, he says.


“I’d never had any problems with Zen, but I’d heard from plenty of other people with other providers moaning about dropped lines or poor connections. From my own experience that had never really been a problem, and I knew Zen were a good company.”

“But when I retired”, says Hugh, “it all became more personal to me, because now I was dealing with Zen personally.”

And that personal touch has really impressed Hugh, particularly the ease of contact and knowledge of Zen staff. “Signing up went really smoothly, without any issues, and you can always phone back and speak to the person you were speaking to. You just don’t get service like that from any of the other major suppliers. They just pass you from pillar to post, and you can even end up in a totally different call centre, and every time you speak to a different person you feel like you’re starting from scratch.”

Customer service desktop


“Could you get service like that anywhere else?”

That service has kept Hugh loyal to Zen for the past eight years, and he has no intention of looking anywhere else. “The personal, knowledgeable touch is what I like. I look for professionalism in a company. I don’t like dealing with people who are dishonest or untrustworthy. I trust Zen.”

Apart from experiencing superior service with Zen, Hugh has also been impressed with the value and reliability he’s found. “I recently received an email from Zen saying I could switch my phone line over to them. I thought ‘good stuff. Now everything’s with Zen, I can save money and they’ll look after everything – my line, my router and everything else’. The switch went like clockwork and everything was agreed and sorted on the same day."

“These things just back up your confidence in your provider. You just think ‘yes, I’m in the right hands.’”

And Hugh isn’t shy in telling others about his Zen experience. “I could be an ambassador for Zen”, he says. “I always say to my family and friends ‘go with Zen’. I’ve been with them for years and you won’t regret it.”

I recently received an email from Zen saying I could switch my phone line over to them. I thought ‘good stuff. Now everything’s with Zen, I can save money and they’ll look after everything – my line, my router and everything else’. The switch went like clockwork and everything was agreed and sorted on the same day.

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