Women in Tech

My journey from Beauty to Technology...


Jemima Meehan

Job title:

Technical Support Specialist - Hosting

How long have you been at Zen?

2 years

Jemima Meehan - Portrait
What do you do at Zen?

I began working in Technical Support and I am now part of the Hosting team. We support services including domains, cPanels, Office 365 and more through different communication platforms and work together with the customer to help come to a resolution.

What do you enjoy about working in Technology?

I enjoy not only the technical aspect and resolving customer issues but also creating a rapport with the customer to make it a positive experience for everyone.

What makes you proud of being a woman in Tech?

I am proud to be a woman in Tech and have enjoyed learning different aspects of IT through my journey at Zen. It has made me realise how many different opportunities are available in the area of Technology. My journey from the Beauty sector to Tech, further cemented my customer service skills and allowed me to take a different approach and increase my tech skills and experiences.

What do you think could encourage more women into working in Tech?

There is room for growth and development of careers in the Technology sector and the focus is on not only technical skills but also to have the passion to help and strive for the best for the customer giving a sense of satisfaction and achievement. With so many different pathways available in Tech, it encourages female candidates to seek out opportunities and new positions.

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01706 902573
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01706 902001